Flexible Pouches
Name *
Business Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Pouch Style *Stand Up PouchFlat PouchFlat Bottom PouchRollstock
Web Width (inches)
Repeat Length (inches)
Width (inches)
Height (inches)
Gusset (inches)
Total Quantity *
Note: 1) MOQ for Stand Up and Flat Pouches is 1,000 bags. 2) MOQ for Flat-Bottom "Box" Pouches is 3,000 bags. 3) For Rollstock, enter the total number of impressions to be printed.
Number of SKUs
Material *Clear PolyMetalized PolyPoly Aluminum FoilKraft PolyKraft MetalizedRecyclable #4Biodegradable
External Finish *GlossMatteSoft Touch Matte
Select Custom Features ZipperTear NotchRounded CornersSombrero Hang HoleCircular Hang HoleWindow (Clear Poly Only)Metallic EffectsPour SpoutSpot Gloss/Spot MatteChild Resistant Zipper
What are you packaging?
Anything else we should know?
Where will it ship? United StatesCanadaOther
If Other, please specify the country below
Acceptable File Types